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Dystopian Novels - FF Books

Love And Chaos 
A Dystopian FF Romance 
The second collapse change the world forever. 

Cris has spent her entire life in her Tribe. Safe from the pollution that still clings to more populated areas, they grow crops to sell in the Cities, they hunt for their meat, and they take care of their own. Their rural way of life ensures the politics of the Cities doesn't reach them. 
Until one day, it does. 
Like all orphans, Love Ward was conscripted into the Venus Guard as a child. She has done her best to take the opportunity and to make it into a career, something she can be proud of. The Venus Guard is her Family. 
But the New Republic has secrets, the kind of secrets that can get a low-ranking officer like Love reassigned and even killed if she's not careful. 
When chaos erupts around them, the two women find themselves at odds but with only each other to rely on. Their shared past and the growing attraction between them can only serve as a distraction as they fight for their lives. 
Can a guard from the Cities and a girl from the Tribes expose the New Republic's dirty secrets? 
Can they change their world we're losing their lives or the heart? 

Across North America, flocks of bird hurl themselves into airplanes, causing at least a dozen to crash. Thousands of people died. Fearing terrorism, the United States government ground all flights, and millions of travelers are stranded. 
Among them are Reese and her debate team partner and a long time crush David, who are in Arizona when the disaster occurs. On their drive home to San Francisco, along a stretch of empty highway in the middle of the Nevada night, a bird flies into their headlights. The car flips over. When they wake up in a military hospital, the doctor won't tell them what happened, where they are  -- or how they have been miraculously healed. 
Things became even stranger when Reese returns home. San francisco feels like different place with police enforcing curfew, hazmat teams collecting dead birds, and a strange presence that seems to be following her. When Reese unexpectedly collides with a beautiful Amber Gray, her search for the truth is forced in an entirely new direction -- and threatens to expose the vast global conspiracy that the government has work for decades to keep secret. 

Climate change move faster than anyone anticipated, and the Earth, along with many of its inhabitants, is dying. When a military convoy arrives to pick up Devin Rossie and Karissa Decker, along with a dozens of other bewildered people, the two have no idea they are part of a group selected by the government to be transported to a space station preparing for the colonization of another planet. They are members of the Chosen. 
On their way to the military base, their convoy is attacked and Devin and Karissa learn the real reason behind your selection. Their attraction grows as they struggle to survive and wrestler with the decision to continue on the base as a part of the Chosen, which means leaving millions of others behind to die. 
Will they place the uncertain future together, or will the cost be too high?

Waking The Dreamer
By the end of the 21st century, the world had become a harsh place. After the decades of natural and man-made catastrophes, nations fell, populations shifted, and seventy percent of the continents become uninhabitable without protective suits, Technological advancement strode forward faster than ever and it was the only thing that kept human society steady through it all. No one could have predicted the discovery of the Dream Walkers. They were people born with the ability to leave their bodies at will, unseen by the waking world. Having the potential to become ultimate spies meant the remaining government regimes wanted to study and control them. The North American government, under the leadership of General Rennet, demanded that all Dream Walkers join the military program. For any that refused to comply, they were hunted down and either brainwashed or killed. 
The very first Dream Walker discovered was a five year old girl named Julia. And when the soldiers came for her at age of twenty, she was already hidden away. A decade later found Julia living a new life under the government's radar. As a secure tech courier in the capital city of Chicago, she does her job and the rest of her time avoids other people as much as she is able. The moment she agrees to help another fugitive Walker is when everything changes. Now the government wants them both and they'll stop at nothing to get what they want. 

The Rise Of The Resistance 
The year is 2018 and the bones of American democracy have been left sweltering in the ashes of hostile takeover. Sixty-five years before, four carefully chosen individuals in the Phoenix Program were cryogenically frozen until the time was right for them to combined forces and restore the government. That time is now.
Arrow Steele has trained her whole life to bring the Phoenix Program to fruitation, but no amount of training could have prepared her for the Phoenix One herself, Katelyn Trapp, or the attraction neither one of them can deny.
Kaelyn's destiny is to negotiate the new world and bring America back to some semblance of a country the Founding Fathers have invisioned. That is, if Arrow can get them to safety. The only thing that stands in their way is thousand of miles and militarized government.
Arrow and Katelyn carry the fate of their country on their shoulders. Love couldn't possibly have come at a more inconvenient time, but with their mission in their lives in jeopardy, love maybe what matter most.

The Sapphire Shadow
Sapphire Shadow Trilogy Book 1
Nadia loves jewels. Big ones, small ones, red ones, blue once. But her favorite variety  is the illegally acquired. She has more than enough money to buy the best. That's never been the point. Shoplifting is her hobby, her escape. When her high school friend, Tess, offers to help her break into real bulgary, how could she refuse? Tess is a technical genius - she design and built her own a right arm. Surely she can take down any security standing in their way to bigger and better loot. 
Outside the city walls, Jackson was raised in the slums. Life as a refugee was never easy, and the only way out was joining the army. Now she's a cop, finally living inside the old sea walls. She's supposed to be hunting Cheshire, a reclusive hacktivist steering up unrest, but the nightly news is full of a smug young woman breaking the law and getting away with it, blowing kisses she escapes police and private security. Theatrical, daring heist, thrilling to watch. And Jackson hates every minute of it. 
Meanwhile, the city they both call home is a slowly tearing itself apart around them. Jackson crushes riot after riot, just part of the job. But more and more it feels wrong, hopeless, no point to any of it, no future for any of them. 
Nadia has given up on the future. But more and more people see her escapades and realize they can fight back. It doesn't make sense to Nadia, not at first, but an unlikely romance starts to show her that there could be some hope, even in a broken world. 

Book 1
After a massive volcanic eruption puts Earth into nuclear winter, the planet is cloak in clouds and no sun penetrates. Seas cover most of the land areas except high elevations which exists as islands where the remaining humans have learned to make do with much less. People survive on what they can take from the sea and with foodstuffs supplemented from an orbiting set of space stations.
Jess Drake is an agent for interforce, a small and exclusive special forces organization that still possess access to technology. Her job is to protect and serve the citizens of the American continent who are in conflict with those left on the European continent. The struggle for resources is brutal, and when a rogue agent nearly destroys everything, interforce decides to trust no one. They send Jess a biologically-created agent who has been artificially devised and given knowledge using specialized brain programming techniques. 
Instead of the mindless of mindless automaton one might expect, Biological Alternative NM-Dev-1 proves to be human and attractive. Against all odds, Jess and the new agent are swept into a relationship neither expected. Can they survive in these strange as circumstances? And will they even be able to stay alive in this bleak new world?

The Golden Princess 
Emberverse Book 11
A new generation faces its own challenges in the world the change has made. 

Princess Orlaite, here to Rudi Mackenzie, Artos the first, High King of Montival, now wields the Sword of the Lady -  and faces a new enemy. Fortunately, she also has a new ally in Reiko, Empress of Japan, who has been pursued to America by conquering army from Asia. 
To combat their mutual foe, Orlaite and Reiko embark on a quest to find the fabled Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, the Grass-Cutting Sword, one of the three great treasures of the Japanese Imperial House. But dreams have revealed that the road to Kusanagi lies through the meganecropolis of the City of Angels, the greatest and most perilous of the dead cities...and beyond the it, to a castle in the fearful Valley of death. And their relentless enemy will stop at nothing to prevent them from succeeding. 
For across the Pacific, the great arc of land that stretches from the dark kingdom of Korea to the realm of Capricornia in Australia is threatened by war. Now all the survivors of the Change must choose sides... 

The Hierophant’s Daughter 
By 4042 CE, the Hierophant and his Church have risen to political dominance with his cannibalistic army of genetically modified humans:martyrs. 
In an era when mankind's intergenerational cold wars against their long-live predators seem close to running hot, the Holy Family is poised on the verge of complete planetary control. It will take a miracle to save humanity from extinction. 
It will also take a miracle to ressurect the wife of 331-year-old General Dominica di Mephitoli, who defects during martyr year 1997 AL in search of Lazarus, the one man rumored to bring life to the dead. With the Hierophant’s Project Black Sun looming over her head, she has little choice but to believe this Lazarus is really all her new friends say he is -- assuming he exist at all -- and that these companions of her are really able to help her. From the foul-mouthed Japanese prostitute with with a few secrets of her own to the outright sapient dog who seems to judge every move, they don't inspire a lot of confidence, but the General has to take the help she can get. 
After all, Dominia is no ordinary martyr. She is the Hierophant’s Daughter, and her father won't let her switch sides without a fight. Not when she still has so much to learn. 

Rise Of The Chosen 
In Sam's world there are two rules. Rule #1:Nobody dies. Protect the living at all costs. Rule#2: Everybody dies. At least once. 
The Waking was a global event in which a force called the Lifeblood invaded all humans who died. The few strong enough to control it came back as powerful immortals. The rest let the bloodlust take over and awoke with one goal - to kill. 
Newly appointed Watch Guard Samantha Shields has a legacy to uphold. Her father died a hero defending their city and now she wants to follow his footsteps. Except for the dying part, of course. Unfortunately, fate has other plans as she discovers deep dark secrets that makes her  choose between her loyalties and the lives of everyone in her city. Both rules are in play as Sam is forced to make hard decisions that could cost her everything - including the person she cares about most. 

Rabbits Of The Apocalypse 
Rabbits of the Apocalypse is a set in a not-too-distant future plagued with draught, human trafficking, rabid religious groups, and people who completely lack a sense of humor. What with all the hunger, chaos, sunstroke, landmines, and radiation it's hard to get by, and harder still to get laid. 
In the remote desert town of Lafontaine, Casey Prentice has been trying to survive the end times by keeping her head down and refusing to give a damn about anyone except for her younger sister Emily and wingman Malice Hiroyama. But that ceases to be an option when a powerful and mysterious entity known as the Anastasian League descends on the town. 
Casey offers shelter to genius Pax, who is trying to escape the League. In doing so, she invites a whole new kind of danger into her life on top of a budding romance. The town of Lafontaine has a secret.. and if the league discovers it, then the apocalypse will be the least of Casey's worries. 

By:  Erika Lawson 
A loner. An Outcast. A killer. 

A hundred years into the future, in a near totalitarian state, there exists a group of feared Government assassins called The Black Shadow Corps. They are albinos, able to send their inner shadow to kill in the name of the law. 
Tarris Waite is leader of the The Black Shadow Corps. But she is different from them, visibly marked by her pale blue eyes. Her teammates considered her a half breed, to be feared, and despised. A childhood accident left Tarris a paraplegic, yet she has never given up looking for a cure. 
Asher Hyrea is a medical researcher investigating nerve regeneration, and Tarris believes she may hold the key to her walking again. But Tarris soon learns that nothing is as it seems. Suddenly, even the most trusted members of her Shadow Corps team are suspect. Could her meeting with Asher be more than mere coincidence? 
When her loyalty is questioned, Tarris is left with no choice but to run. She is driven underground, when she discovers a horrifying secret that threatens the very fabric of society. 
Now, Tarris is in a desperate fights to save life and, more importantly, to save those who turned their back on her. But no one ever leaves the the Corps alive.


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